Things have finally quieted down for the time being, so it's time to blog today's random thoughts. Just for fun, here's a list of things I have learned to live without. Most of them, were not even imaginable to me before, and now it's just every day life. It's funny how a person can get used to certain things when the need arises. This list could certainly be much longer, but these are the ones that come to mind today. Enjoy the "top 10" list and take a few moments to look around you and see what you think you can do without.
1. Air Conditioning : One of the most wastefull machines on the planet
2. Hot Water : Who needs a hot shower when it's 110 outside?
3. Food that I recognize : I ate what? Today's lunch had scales, but certainly wasn't fish
4. Television : Gotta love the "idiot box". Ever watched Thai soap operas? Ugh!!!
5. Shoes : I always hated sandals or going barefoot, but now it feels weird to have shoes on
6. Driving : 5 minutes in the traffic here and you would feel the same. Public transportation Rocks!!!
7. Internet : What used to be everyday is now only once or twice a week for a few minutes.
8. Toilet paper : Again very wastefull, but difficult to explain to most westerners
9. Mattresses : I have a great one now, It's made of Teak. Same as the front door
10. Washing machines : I have 2 now. It's called my left and right hand.
1. Air Conditioning : One of the most wastefull machines on the planet
2. Hot Water : Who needs a hot shower when it's 110 outside?
3. Food that I recognize : I ate what? Today's lunch had scales, but certainly wasn't fish
4. Television : Gotta love the "idiot box". Ever watched Thai soap operas? Ugh!!!
5. Shoes : I always hated sandals or going barefoot, but now it feels weird to have shoes on
6. Driving : 5 minutes in the traffic here and you would feel the same. Public transportation Rocks!!!
7. Internet : What used to be everyday is now only once or twice a week for a few minutes.
8. Toilet paper : Again very wastefull, but difficult to explain to most westerners
9. Mattresses : I have a great one now, It's made of Teak. Same as the front door
10. Washing machines : I have 2 now. It's called my left and right hand.