Monday, February 22, 2010

A belated posting

I'd like to say I've been a bit lazy here on the blog, but the truth is I've been too busy to update it. In the past week I've been a waiter, a bus boy, a musician, and a sound tech. I'm working my tail off trying to make ends meet and having a great time here in Thailand. My friends have given me some great opportunities, but it's still a 3rd world country when it all boils down. You work for next to nothing, but anything is still better than nothing. Working a 12 hour day for about 3 US dollars kinda sucks, but being able to afford a meal at the end of the day is priceless. A measly 100 Baht (about $3.00 U.S.) can go a long way here when you're hungry. That's a weeks worth of food in most Thai places. Tonight, I've got a full belly and a pretty lady knocking at my door. "Nid" is a blessing in disguise as she stops by to see me and keeps me on the "straight and narrow" path. She's a simple farm girl from Nong Khai on the Lao border, but has become a close friend and companion. She may be "ordinary" by local standards, but she treats me well and is always a welcome addition to my life here on the "wrong side of the planet". I am the first and only "farang" she has known, but we do have a good time trading language lessons back and forth. We trade word for word in the lessons, and it has been a good learning experience.


  1. Matt:

    You gotta be serious dude. 100 baht for a 12 hour work day ? Come on, you can do better than that working in the rice fields for double the amount :)
    A weeks worth of food on 100 baht ? Come on, you must be on to something here with relations to dieting tips so that you can market this method and make lots of money :)


  2. Here's the secret bare bones shopping list for a slow week. I doubt it will make me any money, but it will save you some if you ever need to live cheap in Thailand.

    7 packages of noodles - 35 Baht
    1 Kilo of oranges -- 20 Baht
    1 Small loaf of Bread -- 15 Baht
    1 dozen eggs -- 30 Baht

    It's not much, but will keep you alive for a week. Just for reference, the total is 100 Baht or about $3 USD.
