Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lunch Money

Things continue to be tricky at best here, but today I thought I would just have a little fun with it. Number one because it doesn't do any good to be angry about it, and number two I haven't posted any updates for a while.

I'd like to introduce you to my favorite restaurant. It's actually an entire street, but more like an alley that runs behind my apartment building. The whole thing is full of Arabic and Muslim stores, street food and restaurants. Everything is dirt cheap and pretty decent once you get used to the burkas and Muslim prayer caps. The food for the most part can be a bit odd, but I can't argue with the price. For a full meal, you can get "mystery meat on a stick" served with cabbage and a cucumber in a plastic bag. At around 5 Baht ($0.15 USD) it's hard to beat. My favorite however is the fried bread. They are almost exactly like scones, and at 2 Baht each ($0.06 USD) they can make a quick meal. Problem is they are kind of small so sometimes it takes two. Good stuff though.


Lunch money continues to be tight, but thanks to a few good local friends I do get a good big meal once in a while. Just in case anybody back home ever wants to buy me lunch, I have placed a Paypal link on the left panel labeled "Lunch Money". I'm an incredibly cheap date. $2.00 will get me something interesting and maybe exotic. I'll even send you a snapshot. I may consider doing requests at some point and time, but I don't want it to turn into a "fear factor" kind of thing.

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