Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Day After - Part One

Still no sleep last night as usual. Today I feel absolutely drained. I just keep muddling through. Not much choice. Yesterday´s court dealings and events left me with a heavy heart and a general feeling of despair. The end result yesterday was favorable, but just an overall reminder of how bad things will get. I´ve had it pretty rough at times here in Thailand over the past couple of years. Now, I find myself looking back on some of those days wishing I could go back even though they seemed pretty bad at the time.

I´ve spent alot of time where there were only two objectives to get me through a 24 hour period.
  1. How I was going to eat at least once for the day.
  2. Where was I going to be able to sleep for the night.
These have always been the two essential goals. I´ve learned a great deal from Thai people from all walks of life. I must say that I learned more from the most desperate and downtrodden than those who who were well off. Birds of a feather I guess. Throughout it all, I managed to find a way and even enjoyed a few periods of relative stability. The only constant that I have found here is change. I must continuously adapt to my circumstances.

More changes are on the way for me here. Some of these, I have known about for a while. Some have caught me a little unaware. It´s always back to priority number one and two from above. As long as I can keep those two things covered, I will live another day. Things always tend to go astray when I plan things too much.

"Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans." - John Lennon
I will have some more sensitive updates in part two of this post. I have a meeting with some "friends" later this evening who may be able to offer me some advice and assistance. Just like anywhere else in the world, it comes down to the struggles between the "haves" and the "have nots". Those of us in the latter category must be prepared to do just about anything when it comes down to self preservation.

Take care of yourselves out there

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