Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blog is back Online!!!

After a long few days, I have opened up public access to my blog again. I have been trying to secure my site here and also do some damage control regarding some statements that were taken totally and completely out of context and might be used against me here in the local courts. I want the blog to stay open to the public in order to keep the facts straight about the ongoing case, but I don’t want to be handing the prosecution any evidence or information that might be used against me. As a precaution, I have implemented the following measure to ensure that my family and friends can access sensitive information that I need to get out.

All family and close friends wll be issued a passkey that will allow you to access sensitive information within the blog. Entire posts or even just portions of posts will be encrypted and not available to the general public. Wherever you see the padlock logo and disclaimer shown below, you will be able to click, enter the key, and read the encrypted information.

Passkeys will be sent via email or private facebook message in the next 24 hours. I don´t mind if you share the key, but all I ask is that you use your best judgement in sharing it with only people you trust. I don´t have the time or resources to issue individual keys to everyone who wants one, so please be responsible with whom you share the information with. My future and safety could very well depend on it. Sorry to have to get all ¨James Bond¨ on you with this, but I had no choice and this seemed like the best solution. If I have forgotten anyone, please don't hesitate to email me and I will send you a key right away provided I know who you are.

Take care everyone

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