Friday, April 29, 2011

One Month Later

Well, here I am. April is coming to a close. It´s been a little over a month now since this whole ordeal with my arrest and legal battle in Thailand began. To be perfectly honest, I am amazed that I am still walking the street through the process. I shouldn´t be too surprised though, because a little over a year ago I never even expected to live from one day to the next. By all rights, I should have been dead years ago, but I just keep hanging on. There are a few Thai friends of mine that get a big smile whenever they see me. One in particular speaks pretty good English. He always gives me a big hug and says ¨Yeah!!! You still alive!!!¨. In a future post, I´ll try to compile a list of all the situations that he´s seen me survive to give you some perspective.

Today is Saturday here, and no calls from the ¨boys in brown¨ this week. I´ve spoken to the others who were arrested with me, and to some of the guys who got arrested on the second immigration raid after us. All of us are just ¨twisting in the wind¨ so to speak. The waiting is the hardest part. The ¨old me¨ would have completely lost his mind by this point, that´s not to say that I don´t feel close sometimes. Sure, there are things that I would like to have, in order to make this whole thing easier, but I just make due with what I have.

I got a great quote sent to me by an old Aussie buddy of mine a couple weeks ago. The quote goes as follows.
"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you." - A.A. Milne
Just in case you´re not familiar with Mr. Milne, I´ll give you a hint. The line above was spoken in one of his Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh. Funny where things come from sometimes to give you a little boost. That´s all for me at the moment. I should be able to post some case details in the next day or two now that the new passkey system is up and running. It will allow me to speak a little more freely about the specifics without reprisals from the authorities.

Take care everyone,

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